藤原正明知り合いの紹介で家の外壁塗装を頼んだのですがとても綺麗に仕上がって大満足です。 見積もりも良心的でしたし、ご近所への挨拶回りもして頂いたり、作業の過程も毎回写真を送ってくれたりと全体的にとても丁寧にし...知り合いの紹介で家の外壁塗装を頼んだのですがとても綺麗に仕上がって大満足です。
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I asked him to paint the exterior of my house through a friend's introduction, and I was very satisfied with the beautiful finish.
The estimate was reasonable, and they were very thorough overall, going out to greet the neighbors and sending us photos of the work process each time.
Thank you for working in the heat of summer.
I look forward to working with you again when painting. -
カチオン同じ市内だったので外壁、屋根等の塗装をしてもらいました。丁寧な仕事で頼んで良かったです。知り合いも紹介したいと思います、ありがとうございました。 (Translated by Google) Since we were in the same ci...同じ市内だったので外壁、屋根等の塗装をしてもらいました。丁寧な仕事で頼んで良かったです。知り合いも紹介したいと思います、ありがとうございました。
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Since we were in the same city, we had the exterior walls, roof, etc. painted. I'm glad I asked for a polite job. I would like to introduce my acquaintances, thank you very much. -
内藤若奈外壁の塗装をお願いしました、とても親切で丁寧な仕事で安心でした。また次回の外壁と屋根の塗り替えもお願いしたいと思います。ありがとうございました。 (Translated by Google) I asked them to paint the ex...外壁の塗装をお願いしました、とても親切で丁寧な仕事で安心でした。また次回の外壁と屋根の塗り替えもお願いしたいと思います。ありがとうございました。
(Translated by Google)
I asked them to paint the exterior walls, and they were very kind and thorough in their work, making me feel at ease. We would also like to ask you to repaint the exterior walls and roof next time. thank you very much. -
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When I was thinking about painting the exterior walls, I asked for estimates from several companies, but most of them were sales people, and even when I asked them about the site, I couldn't get a reassuring response, and they only talked about price, so I didn't think I could trust them. By the way, I was able to meet your company. They responded very kindly and offered us a very reasonable price, so we made the decision immediately. They were very kind and accommodating, and they were very accommodating when it came to ordering from us later on. I don't know much about exterior painting, but it looks much nicer than my neighbors. I received compliments about it, and I introduced it to my neighbors, who also installed it. The person in charge was very nice and explained various aspects of the painting process to my satisfaction. I hope to see you again in about 10 years. Thank you very much for this time. -
井上敏郎以前にお願いしました。知人の推薦でしたが今度は私が絶賛推薦します。良心的な対応と価格は他には負けませんね‼️これからも信頼の上に培われた技術で頑張って下さい! (Translated by Google) I asked for it b...以前にお願いしました。知人の推薦でしたが今度は私が絶賛推薦します。良心的な対応と価格は他には負けませんね‼️これからも信頼の上に培われた技術で頑張って下さい!
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I asked for it before. It was recommended to me by an acquaintance, but now I highly recommend it. Our conscientious service and prices are second to none! ️Please continue to do your best with the technology cultivated on trust! -
井上フジ子7年前に自宅の外壁塗装をお願いしました。費用や色など色々な細かい点まで納得がいくまで説明があり、信頼しておまかせしました。もちろん今も気持ちよく暮らしています。また施工の際はまよわずあ願いしますね❗ ...7年前に自宅の外壁塗装をお願いしました。費用や色など色々な細かい点まで納得がいくまで説明があり、信頼しておまかせしました。もちろん今も気持ちよく暮らしています。また施工の際はまよわずあ願いしますね❗
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Seven years ago, I asked him to paint the exterior of my home. He explained all the details such as cost and color until I was satisfied, and I trusted him and left it to him. Of course, I am still living comfortably. Also, please do not hesitate during construction❗ -
0906 nao浴室の窓格子を修理したくて、以前お世話になった事のある業者に見積もりを依頼したところ 予想以上の価格で、外壁塗装も同時にやると安くなると提案あり見積もりが来ました。丁度外壁塗装も考えていた処でした...浴室の窓格子を修理したくて、以前お世話になった事のある業者に見積もりを依頼したところ 予想以上の価格で、外壁塗装も同時にやると安くなると提案あり見積もりが来ました。丁度外壁塗装も考えていた処でしたので、それならばとご近所の栄州さんに相談したら、とても良心的な見積もりと窓格子も、お知り合いの良い大工さんを紹介して下さいましたので、迷うことなくお願いしました。外壁の色選びから質の良い材質まで何でも細く丁寧に説明して相談に乗ってくださいました。お仕事も丁寧で安心してお任せ出来、色も実際の色を確認させてくれて塗装してくださったので希望通りの素敵な我が家になりました。ご近所の方からの評判もよく喜んでおります。また、雨の降り方で雨漏りする場所があり、原因場所が特定できず以前より困っていたのですが、台風の時すごい雨漏りで困り果て、連絡したところ早々に暴風雨の中駆け付けてくださいました。場所を特定し応急処置をして翌日天候が良くなったので原因箇所を修繕してくださいました。丁寧な外壁塗装もさることながら、家全般で困った事を相談出来る、とても心強く信頼できる業者さんです。この度は色々と本当にありがとうございました。今後とも末永く宜しくお願い致します。
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I wanted to repair the window grille in my bathroom, so I asked a company I had worked with before for a quote.The price was higher than I expected, and they also suggested that it would be cheaper if the exterior walls were painted at the same time. I was thinking about painting the exterior walls, so I asked my neighbor Eishu if that would be possible, and he gave me a very reasonable quote and introduced me to a good carpenter he knew, as well as window lattices. I asked without hesitation. He provided detailed and thorough explanations about everything from choosing the color of the exterior walls to choosing high-quality materials. The work was done with great care and I felt at ease, and they allowed me to check the actual colors before painting, so we ended up with a beautiful home just as we had hoped. We are also very happy with the feedback from our neighbors. Also, there was a place where the rain was leaking due to the way it rained, and I was having trouble pinpointing the source of the problem, but during a typhoon, I was having a lot of trouble with the rain, so when I called them, they came right out in the middle of the storm. They identified the location, provided first aid, and when the weather improved the next day, they repaired the problem. He is a very reassuring and reliable contractor who not only does careful exterior wall painting, but you can also consult with him about any problems you may have with your home in general. Thank you very much for your time. We look forward to your continued support. -
高喜建てて7年しか経ってないのですが、チョーキング現象などが発生し、 困ってました。 親戚から紹介してもらい、綺麗に仕上げてもらいました。とても満足しております。 心配になるくらいの猛暑にもかかわらず笑顔...建てて7年しか経ってないのですが、チョーキング現象などが発生し、
(Translated by Google)
Although it has only been seven years since it was built, chalking and other problems have occurred.
I was in trouble.
I was introduced to it by a relative and it was beautifully finished. I am very satisfied.
Despite the extremely hot weather, they greeted us with smiles.
He didn't seem dissatisfied with the parts I had to fix, and was able to help me quickly.
I will be ordering again. -
大輔リピーターです。前回は黄色、今回はピンクに外壁を色塗りしました。サービスで犬小屋もシックな感じに塗ってくれました。ダークグレーで犬も尻尾を振って喜んでました🐶🐶🐕 またリピしたいと思います。 (Translat...リピーターです。前回は黄色、今回はピンクに外壁を色塗りしました。サービスで犬小屋もシックな感じに塗ってくれました。ダークグレーで犬も尻尾を振って喜んでました🐶🐶🐕
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I'm a repeater. Last time we painted the exterior walls yellow, this time we painted them pink. As part of the service, the dog house was also painted in a chic style. It was dark gray and the dog was happy wagging his tail🐶🐶🐕
I would like to repeat it again. -
REN RENとても、仕事が丁寧でお陰様でとても綺麗になりました✨ とても満足したのでまた頼もうかと思います‼️ (Translated by Google) The work was very thorough and thanks to you, it turned out very beautiful ✨ I...とても、仕事が丁寧でお陰様でとても綺麗になりました✨
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The work was very thorough and thanks to you, it turned out very beautiful ✨
I was very satisfied, so I think I'll order it again! ️ -
DG.ワニネコ様とてもきれいに要望通りに仕上げてくれました。丁寧、親切、料金も他と比べてリーズナブルで大満足でした! はじめは明るすぎる色合いかな?と思っていましたが、ムラなく綺麗に塗装してくれたおかげで、家のシン...とてもきれいに要望通りに仕上げてくれました。丁寧、親切、料金も他と比べてリーズナブルで大満足でした!
(Translated by Google)
It was completed very neatly and exactly as requested. I was very satisfied as they were polite, kind, and the prices were reasonable compared to others!
Is the color too bright at first? That's what I thought, but thanks to him painting it evenly and beautifully, it became the symbol color of the house (^-^) -
壁屋俊宏先日はありがとうございました。思い通りに仕上げていただきとても満足しています。とても親身に優しく対応してくれて感謝しています。また、お願いします。 (Translated by Google) Thank you for the other da...先日はありがとうございました。思い通りに仕上げていただきとても満足しています。とても親身に優しく対応してくれて感謝しています。また、お願いします。
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Thank you for the other day. I'm very happy that it turned out the way I wanted. Thank you for being so kind and caring. Thank you again. -
Sayu T自宅の外装、外壁塗装、屋根塗装でお世話になりました。何度もご親切に打ち合わせから見積りして納得いくまで聞いて下さいました。価格も良心的で足場設置から塗装まで小さな事まで行き届いた丁寧なお仕事をして...自宅の外装、外壁塗装、屋根塗装でお世話になりました。何度もご親切に打ち合わせから見積りして納得いくまで聞いて下さいました。価格も良心的で足場設置から塗装まで小さな事まで行き届いた丁寧なお仕事をして頂けました。またご近所様の御挨拶回りは勿論の事、沢山ある集合住宅の方々への挨拶回りや塗装での万が一の汚れ防止の為の駐車してある車カバーまでしっかりとやって下さり終始安心してお任せ出来る会社でした。又周囲からも「凄い良い色ね~綺麗になったわね~」と言って頂きとても大満足しています。その後知り合いの方から紹介して欲しいと頼まれ、その方も外装塗装工事をしました。その方からも、とっても良かったと喜んでいただけました。また機会がありましたら宜しくお願い致します。
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Thank you for your help with the exterior of my home, exterior wall painting, and roof painting. He kindly listened to me many times, from meetings to estimates, until I was satisfied. The price was reasonable and they did a thorough job, paying attention to even the smallest details, from setting up the scaffolding to painting. In addition, he not only greets the neighbors, but also greets the residents of the many apartment complexes, and even covers the parked cars to prevent them from getting dirty with paint, so you can feel safe from start to finish. It was a company I could trust. Also, people around me have said, ``Wow, the color is great! It's beautiful now!'', so I'm very satisfied. After that, an acquaintance asked me to introduce him to him, and he also did some exterior painting work. The person also said that it was very good and was happy. I look forward to working with you again if you have the opportunity. -
Bass Opt15年以上前に外壁、屋根の土台柱を施工頂きました。今でもしっかりした外観&強度を保ってくれています。 親切に対応してくださり、見積もりも住む人の立場に立った親切なご提案、大変有難う御座いました。 思って...15年以上前に外壁、屋根の土台柱を施工頂きました。今でもしっかりした外観&強度を保ってくれています。
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Over 15 years ago, we had the exterior walls and roof foundation pillars constructed. It still maintains its solid appearance and strength.
Thank you very much for your kind response and for your kind suggestions based on the perspective of a resident.
The finished product was cheaper than I expected, and the aftercare was thorough. I was satisfied with Eishu Home.
I wish your company continued prosperity. -
あゆむとても親切で、丁寧にやっていただきました。 またなにかあったら相談しようと思います。 (Translated by Google) They were very kind and thorough. I will consult with you again if anything comes up.とても親切で、丁寧にやっていただきました。
(Translated by Google)
They were very kind and thorough.
I will consult with you again if anything comes up. -
さい見積り額が他業者さんと比べて安かったので依頼しました。隅々まで丁寧に塗装されていて、追加料金もありませんでした。次回もお願いしたいです。 (Translated by Google) I asked for an estimate because it w...見積り額が他業者さんと比べて安かったので依頼しました。隅々まで丁寧に塗装されていて、追加料金もありませんでした。次回もお願いしたいです。
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I asked for an estimate because it was cheaper than other companies. Every corner was carefully painted and there were no additional charges. I would like to order it again next time.